• Extra Sugar

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    Extra Sugar is the first Arabic adaptation of the timeless American series by ABC studios “The Golden Girls”.   At the beginning, they were not friends; in fact, their friendship, started to form after a period of animosity and which got stronger when going through difficult situations. Extra Sugar is based on the lives and interactions of four older women who have all been divorced/widowed, and are now living under one roof.    Wise and entrepreneur Karima, Spacey but forgiving Gamila, Outgoing feminist and social Osmat, and the despotic yet funny Fawzia. The 4 women are bonded by their personal life challenges and together, they unite forces and experience the most beautiful moment of their silver age life.. . Extra sugar is an adaptation of the American series, abc studios “The Golden Girls”   We live with them comic situations and share with them their weakness and saddest moments. We discover a past full of beautiful memories, and how together they step into creating quality memories.